Friday, January 4, 2019

Things make us sad.

1. Always thinking about the future that what's going to happen and what will not.

2. Always recalling the past feelings and becoming sad about it.

Things make us sad, things make us angry

But let me tell you that thinking about the past and the future is never going to make you happy because you are not able to hold them and live in it. But you have the present to live where you can do anything. And if you want to live the life just live in the present then see the difference.

3. Always worried about other people (what people will think) and always wasting your time in it.

Things make us sad, things make us angry

Consequences (for example):
Not able to speak in front of people.
Not able to wear the cloths you want to wear.
Not able to focus on your work properly.

But let me tell you that you are just wasting your important time of your life in thinking about other's opinion. Their opinion and thinking about you will never change, so you just have to ignore that and live your life.

4. In today's time we people are also facing a problem of becoming rich so fast. Let me tell you how, you use social media like YouTube, watch a rich person's video and start cursing yourself for not having the luxurious things that he has. But you never see his past efforts or what kind of background he has (may be his background is rich). But if you want to be rich, you have to work.

5. Most of the people don't work and become sad because they think, they are not having enough money, resources and also they are not lucky. But the truth is, you will not be successful until you do work hard. In today's time, you have a big power which is internet from where you can do anything (means learning), so use that power in the right way.

Things make us sad, things make us angry

Some of the people might say that they have seen some successful people who have not done any hard work, instead they were having some birth specialty and  good IQ than us. But let me tell you:


6. Some people do not have good relations and they feel very sad about it. Let me tell you the reason for not having good relations.

You always want people to work according to you, but that will never going to happen. As soon as you start expecting from other people, you are becoming more sad and frustrated. If you don't want to obey other's made rules then why are you expecting from them to obey yours.